West Deerfield Community Alliance – WDCA Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
In Attendance: Bill Ganz – District 4 Commissioner, Denise Bogner – Waterford Homes, Joe Cutroni – Starlight Cove, John Stevenson – Gates of Hillsboro, Ralph Francione – Crystal Key Pointe, Todd Drosky – Starlight Cove.
Call To Order: Todd Drosky called the WDCA meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Joe Cutroni, seconded by Ralph Ralph Francione, and approved by all to accept the WDCA minutes of the May 29, 2013 minutes into the record.
Crime Report: BSO Deputy Jeff Vomero reported a caretaker for a resident in Century Village stole $4,500. Deer Creek had 18 cars robbed, all were unlocked and nothing was damaged – small items stolen from cars. 62 tickets were issued in one week at Crystal Lake Villas for speeding. The local deputies have made contact with homeless people in the City advising them of programs available to help them – Joe did a ride-along with BSO. The Mobil station at Military Trail and Sample Road promised to clean the brush at its property line and post a “No Trespassing” sign. BSO has been doing extra patrols at Quiet Waters Park during the day. Home burglars are taking small items such as money and jewelry that are easy to carry – Deputy Vomero advised to hide these items in your home. 3 or 4 homes in Deer Isle were damaged by kids throwing big rocks at the houses. A home inventory checklist is a good tool for the police and your insurance if something is stolen.
Deputy Vomero left Neighborhood Crime Watch stickers.
National Night Out Against Crime will be August 6th from 6 to 9 p.m. at Quiet Waters Park.
Commissioner Ganz talked about the dredging of Hillsboro Canal, which is not expected to start until October 2014. There are new representatives now assigned to this project from the South Florida Water Management District and they will attend the July 2013 WDCA meeting.
Commissioner Ganz has asked the City Attorney to check on adding to the City Code about problems such as the shoe store where they are cited numerous times for the same offense but they don’t get advanced to the Magistrate because the violator remedies the violation each time.
District 4 meeting will be July 8, 2013.
Deer Run received their Crime Watch signs, which were paid for by City Engineering.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Denise Bogner
Click here to download a pdf of the above WDCA June 2013 Meeting Minutes.